Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System.

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Mon Feb 23 2004 - 15:41:20 PST

  • Next message: Nathan Dire: "Review of AFS"

    The paper "Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System", was
    written by a number of researchers at Carnegie Mellon University in
    1986. It describes the design of a distributed file system called the
    Andrew File System. The original design was organized as a client
    (Venus) and a server (Vice). Venus was a user-level file cache that
    communicated with Vice via RPC calls. Venus hooked the file open and
    file close operations. Executions of these hooks initiated the logic to
    located and copy the remote file to the local disk. This approach
    differed from remote-open file systems, which transfered pages or blocks
    of data as requested by the client.
    The initial prototype identified some performance issues that prevented
    it from reaching their stated goals. This included slow performance due
    to excessive network traffic (due to frequent calls to get file
    statistics) and high server CPU utilization (due to frequent context
    switching between user specific server processes).
    The network performance was improved through the introduction of a
    different management model for cached information. Instead of assuming
    that cached information was invalid (requiring a RPC call to verify
    currency of data) the client simply assumed cache entries were valid
    until notified otherwise. This was accomplished through the use of
    callbacks to the "client". This technique sounds very similiar to some
    of the peer-to-peer file sharing systems I've been reading about in my
    research. The excessive context-switching was addressed through the
    introduction of a thread-pool.
    I thought the flexibility introduced by volumes in this design was a
    brilliant move. Again it seemed to parallel many of the mechanisms I've
    read about in P2P systems.

    Chuck Reeves,
    Microsoft | Windows | Directory Services

  • Next message: Nathan Dire: "Review of AFS"

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