Review: Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems

From: David V. Winkler (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 16:44:18 PST

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems"

    Review: Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems

    This problem presents a solution to the loosely coupled paralell
    processor problem. A loosely-coupled multiprocessor has the singular
    feature of having the physical memory distributed. So this is a
    distributed memory solution for a network of machines.

    The author states that 'a processor is allowed to update a piece of data
    only while no other processor is updating or reading it.' While this
    will satisfy the goal of memory coherence, all of the normal problems of
    distributed system timing will still apply. (e.g. the interleaving 1read
    2read 1write 2write)

    The strategies described use the page fault handler of the standard
    virtual memory mechanisms to modularize their code. This seems to deal
    with many of the problems of making the system testable and

    The paper delves into a number of non-optimal strategies. This seems
    odd, but they then include these in their benchmarking, and the
    bottlenecks really do show as explained. Along the way they have some
    convincing proofs of correctness and a scattering of lemmas and

    The strategy that they propose in the end is a dynamic distributed
    manager algorithm. Each node maintains a probable owner of each page,
    not necessarily correct all the time. If a page fault occurs for a page
    on another node, the probable owner is queried. If it actually isn't
    the owner, it forwards the request on to the node that it thinks is the
    owner and so on. The proof of acyclicy is important here. A further
    enhancement of distributing the copy_set (necessary on an invalidate as
    part of a write fault) data into a tree. This doesn't increase the
    number of messages.

    The benchmark numbers are cool.

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems"

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