Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems - Honghai Liu

From: Honghai Liu (
Date: Wed Feb 18 2004 - 15:37:59 PST

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "Review of Memory coherence in shared memory systems"

    Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems.


    Reviewer: Honghai Liu


    The paper talks about the shared virtual memory in distributed system and presents several algorithms
    to solve memory coherence problem.


    The idea of shared virtual memory is not only interesting, but also important in terms of providing an
    easy and natural way to think of process migration among distributed and multi-processors environment.


    There are several different approaches in achieving process migration. RPC is offers procedure style
    support to programmer, minimizing the details of server-end processes. Emerald, on the other hand,
    takes the advantage of type safe languages in order to offer performance benefits and object-oriented
    features in a distributed system. The shared virtual memory, unlike RPC or Emerald, don't reply on any
     languages or compilers support, and provides the lowest level of process migration facilities, i.e. instead
    of moving processes, moving the substrate the processes resides on - virtual memory. Opal is probably
    closest to this approach, but it is still at process or thread level.


    In the end, all the different approaches are achieved physically by message passing, however, I think the
    virtual memory approach is most primitive and interesting.


    The problem the paper was trying to solve is that how to ensure the coherency in shared virtual memory
    among processors. Many of the issues are similar to tight-coupled multi-processors. For example,
    invalidation and writeback in page synchronization resemble those in local-cache and shared memory in


    Two feasible solutions of solving coherence problem exist: centralized manager and distributed manager.
    The difference between them is that centralized manager has a single place to processes requests for
    finding the pages, while distributed one let each processor manage subsets of the pages. Even more, with
    dynamic distributed manager, there will be fewer broadcasts in the network.


    I found, especially, the centralized manager algorithm very weak, because it has one single point of failure.
     If the manager dies or respond very slowly due to network failure, it will not work properly. In a distributed
    system, unlike in a uni-procossor environment, we have to consider this risk.

  • Next message: Ankur Rawat \(Excell Data Corporation\): "Review of Memory coherence in shared memory systems"

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