Memory Coherence in Shared Virtual Memory Systems

From: Greg Green (
Date: Tue Feb 17 2004 - 22:16:48 PST

  • Next message: Steve Arnold: "Review: Li & Hudak, Memory Coherence in Shared Systems"

    Two algorithms for sharing virtual memory on loosely couple
    multiprocessors is described. One algorithm uses a central manager and
    the other uses distributed management. The two major design choices
    for memory coherence are the size of the memory units managed and the
    strategy for maintaining coherence. Some discussion is made about
    choosing a page size, settling on the page size of contemporary
    computers, 256-2k bytes. The next section has a short discussion of
    page synchronization, dismissing the writeback approach and settling
    on invalidation. Finally the different types of ownership strategies
    are discussed. One major strategy is static ownership, where a page is
    always owned by the same processor. The other is dynamic ownership,
    where the owner of the page is the last to write to it.

    The algorithms are described as fault handlers: read fault, read
    server, write fault, and write server. First the centralized manager
    algorithm is described, where a manager resides on a processor with
    locked data structures. This algorithm doesn't require broadcasting,
    as the manager always knows where all copies of the page reside, and
    can invalidate them at once. An improvement to this algorithm moves
    the synchronization of page ownership to the individual owners. This
    removes a confirmation message from each fault. This algorithm suffers
    from a bottleneck at the manager, which must respond to every fault.

    The second set of algorithms described have distributed the management
    over the whole set of processors. The first variation has page
    ownership distributed statically to the set of processors, with a
    manager at each processor for it's pages. The second
    variation uses a broadcast to find the owner of a page, instead of
    having the pages assigned statically beforehand. This makes the
    communication the bottleneck. The final set of algorithms described
    has each processor keep track of who owns which page locally. There
    are some variations of this algorithm so that broadcast is not needed,
    or to improve performance by broadcasting at certain intervals. There
    is some discussion on the big O performance and limits. Basically the
    worst case number of messages for finding a page is O(n+mlogn) for m < n
    O(Mlog(1+m/n)N) for m >= n where n is the number of processors.

    This paper was written quite a while ago, so I assume that it has been
    utilized on modern multiprocessors. The parallel computing problem is
    quite difficult when the result set cannot reside on 1 processor, and
    these algorithms seem to provide good performance for this case.

    I liked how the design space was covered in the beginning and the
    strengths and weaknesses of the different approaches were discussed. I
    found it easy to understand. Also the algorithms were described in
    great detail, enought so that I felt that I could implement them
    without too much trouble. This was a good paper.

    Greg Green

  • Next message: Steve Arnold: "Review: Li & Hudak, Memory Coherence in Shared Systems"

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