Review for "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures"

From: Justin Voskuhl (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 15:25:38 PST

  • Next message: David Coleman: "Mach VM Review"

    This paper describes a design for a highly portable implementation of a
    memory management subsystem. The system is designed to support very
    large, sparse virtual address spaces, copy-on-write operations, sharing
    between processes, memory mapped files, and user-mode backing store
    objects and paging systems.


    The authors claim to have ported their system to six different
    architectures that have varying degrees of hardware support for their
    model. There is a small component that has to be implemented on each
    type of system called the PMAP interface. Its primary function is to
    maintain a set of data structures that define the physical address map
    that are typically hardware dependent.


    The key Mach abstractions are very interesting. They've provided
    message passing as the primary way to provide and requests services
    within the system. Messages are special data objects used to
    communicate in the system. Messages are sent to objects called Ports
    which can be thought of as a queue. Send and Receive are the
    fundamental operations on Ports.


    A memory object is managed by a server (it seems that multiple paging
    servers were accounted for) and can be mapped into the address space of
    a process. The system provides both processes and threads. Their work
    is clearly highly influential in the modern operating systems we use
    today: Mac OS X derives from Mach, and Windows NT is obviously highly
    influenced by its design.

  • Next message: David Coleman: "Mach VM Review"

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