Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures

From: Greg Green (
Date: Tue Feb 10 2004 - 22:05:59 PST

  • Next message: Jeff Duzak: "Review of "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures""

    This paper describes the Mach virtual memory management design. It was
    designed to be easily portable to multiple types of hardware. The
    design supports large, sparse virtual addresses, copy-on-write,
    copy-on-write and read-write memory sharing between tasks, memory
    mapped files, and user-provided backing store and pagers.

    Tasks can modify there addresses by allocating a region, deallocating
    a region, setting the protection status, specifying the inheritance of
    a region, and manage a memory object that can be mapped into the
    address space of another task.

    The implementation consists of a page table, an address map, memory
    objects, and the pmap. The memory for a task consists of a linked list
    of memory objects. The address map is a linked list of mapping between
    addresses and a memory object. This map contains the protection bits
    for the pages, as well as the inheritance information.

    The memory object is an abstraction over the backing store. The
    backing store can be memory, shared-memory, a file, even a remote
    computer. This is accomplished by associating a user-space pager with
    each memory object. This pager provides the backing store
    implementation for the various types. The memory objects are reference
    counted and garbage collected.

    Shared memory is implemented by a type of memory object called a
    shadow object. This is basically an object that keeps track of which
    regions of another memory object have been changed. Therefore it
    doesn't need to be a complete copy of the other memory object. The
    shadow objects can be chained ad-infinitum. The complexity arises in
    trying to manage these chains.

    Machine independence is provided by putting all specific machine
    knowledge in the pmap. This is a set of operations that must be
    implemented for each architecture. Since this is only one file, the vm
    should be easy to port to other architectures.

    The rest of the paper talked about specific architectures and some
    performance measurements which showed that the performance was quite
    good even with the hardware abstracted away.

    This paper addressed the virtual memory manager at a higher level than
    the previous VMS paper. It also spent some time describing mach
    architecture and specific machines. So it wasn't as detailed.

    It was interesting how the object-oriented operating system showed up
    again with the concept of memory objects. This is quite a neat
    concept. It would be interesting to hear more about how the chains of
    shadow objects were managed. That sounds quite difficult and wasn't
    really addressed.

    I also wonder about the emphasis placed on portability. These days
    that seems misplaced since there isn't a whole lot of different
    hardware types left. I suppose things may change in the future and
    this emphasis may again be useful.

    Greg Green

  • Next message: Jeff Duzak: "Review of "Machine-Independent Virtual Memory Management for Paged Uniprocessor and Multiprocessor Architectures""

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