Review for VAX/VMS Virtual Memory Management paper

From: Praveen Rao (
Date: Thu Feb 12 2004 - 00:32:04 PST

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of "Virtual Memory Management in VAX/VMS""

    This paper discusses Virtual Memory implementation in VAX/VMS.

    VAX has a byte-addressable 32-bit virtual address space divided in 512
    byte pages. The page is basic unit of mapping and protection. The
    address space of a process is divided into P0, P1, P2 regions each 1GB.
    P2 is the system address space that is shared between all processes.

    Each of these regions has its own page table. Each page table has an
    associated base register and length register in the hardware. The base
    register of system page table contains the physical address of the page
    table while base registers for P0 and P1 regions (which are in user
    space) have virtual address of the respective page tables.

    P0 and P1 page tables can themselves be paged out.

    P0 region contains user's program and heap that grows towards higher
    addresses. The first page is reserved to make a NULL pointer cause an
    exception. P1 region contains user stack that grows towards the lower
    addresses. P1 region also contains a fixed size executive stack for the
    process and executive data for the process.

    Memory management system is divided into a pager (that pages, pages in
    and out of memory) and swapper (that pages in or out the whole process).

    The pager makes careful considerations to reduce inefficiencies caused
    by heavy faulting. It uses a local page replacement policy which limits
    the number of pages that are resident in the memory for a process. For
    each process pager maintains a data structure called resident set.
    Initially when a program starts its resident set is empty and as it
    references pages, pages are faulted in. When the resident set limit is
    reached, the process needs to release a page to accommodate a new page.
    The pager uses simple FIFO replacement policy. Referenced bit tracking
    of pages was not used due to concerns of computations required for this
    for programs with a large number of pages.

    This scheme still carries over to NT, though the assumptions at the time
    of paper (trade-off memory usage for processor time) do not seem
    appropriate with modern processors.

    The design uses some clever optimizations to reduce I/O activity caused
    by paging.

    1) Caching of pages: The system uses free and modified lists of pages.
    When a page is removed from process's resident set, it is moved to free
    list if it was not modified and to the modified list if it was modified.
    When a new resident page is needed for the process (e.g. when read from
    disk) the head of the free list is used. Free and modified lists work as
    caches of clean and dirty pages. If the process references these pages
    again they can be moved to the resident list cheaply avoiding expensive
    disk activity. It also means that writes to the same page will get
    clustered. This reduces the page faults tremendously and moves the
    simply FIFO algorithm close to the most optimal, i.e. LRU algorithm in
    terms of lowering page faults.

    2) Clustering of pages: When the pages are faulted in, the pager tries
    to bring in multiple pages to memory in a single I/O operation and
    similarly writes the pages to disk only after limit is reached for
    number of modified pages (this limit is set around 100). As an added
    optimization, pager searches for virtually contiguous pages and writes
    them on contiguous paging file blocks. This in turn facilitates
    clustering when these pages are read back. During read, pager looks at
    blocks on the disk after and before the current block to see if there
    are relevant pages that can be clustered in a single I/O operation.
    Executable images, for example, are written by linker in contiguous
    bytes as far as possible - so this reduces the startup time of a

    The paper shows numbers that show improvements caused by these

    Paging for system spaces works in a similar fashion except that page
    tables for user processes (which are maintained in system space) are not
    eligible for removal from a process's resident set as long as they
    contain valid page table entries. They are swapped out with the process
    though if the whole process is swapped out.

    The swapper load a process a swapped out process in memory if the entire
    resident set of the process can be loaded.

    The system also gives control to user processes to expand their P0, P1
    regions, to increase/decrease resident size, to lock/unlock pages in
    memory, create/map a global/private section into process address space
    and to produce a record of page-fault activity.

    It was a very nice and succinct summary of memory management in VAX/VMS.
    Since the same overall design is used in NT, it improvement my
    understanding of memory management of NT tremendously which is very
    relevant to me. Some of the assumptions/design decisions may not be
    appropriate for NT anymore in modern days - for example, it can
    incorporate a global page replacement policy.

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of "Virtual Memory Management in VAX/VMS""

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