Virtual Memory Management in VAX/VMS

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 16:56:26 PST

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Virtual Memory in the VAX/VMS OS"

    The paper "Virtual Memory Management in VAX/VMS" was written in 1982 by
    Henry Levy and Peter Lipman while working as employees for DEC. It
    discusses the memory management facilities on the VAX-11. It describes
    the decomposition of the a 32-bit address space into 3 primary regions,
    System, P1 and P0. The system region is where the OS procedures and code
    are located. User programs occupy the P0 space and grow into higher
    memory addresses towards the P1 boundary. The user stack occupies the P1
    region and grows towards lower memory addresses towards the P0 space.
    Page tables are used to manage the state of the pages currently in
    memory. The system uses a "pager" object to control which physical pages
    of information are loaded into memory. One key optimization made was to
    page out memory from processes that requested it when possible. In this
    way a poorly behaving application will have minimal impact on other
    applications. Other optimizations include caching modified pages to
    enable clustering of the pages that are frequently loaded into
    consectutive locations in memory. I would appreciate some diagrams
    describing the interaction between the page table and the associated
    lists to better understand this document. Also the utility of the copy
    on reference behavior escaped me.

  • Next message: Raz Mathias: "Review: Virtual Memory in the VAX/VMS OS"

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