VAX/VMS Virtual Memory Paper Review

From: Reid Wilkes (
Date: Wed Feb 11 2004 - 11:26:43 PST

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Levy and Lipman. "Virtual Memory Management in VAX/VMS""

    The paper describes the virtual memory system implemented in VAX/VMS.
    Knowing that VMS was in many ways a predecessor of Windows, I see
    several things about the memory system that seem to resemble aspects of
    Windows - although I am not familiar enough with most of the details of
    Windows memory management to really be able to compare the two. Reading
    this paper was like being an archeologist studying some ancient text -
    not because the technology is necessarily dated but because the paper is
    nearly illegible. The paper first describes they layout of the virtual
    memory space into system and program sections, and assigns meaning to
    the individual bits in the 32 bit virtual address. There is a comment I
    don't understand about how users call the operating system services just
    as they would call any user-written program. Then the next sentence says
    that user programs cannot access executive code and data because the
    memory pages are protected. There seems to be a disconnect there, the
    explanation of which is probably beyond the scope of the paper. The VMS
    system introduced implementation 'tricks' to improve the performance of
    the VM system. Specifically, the improvements were needed because VMS
    was being written to target the more low-end hardware of the day, and
    thus was more subject to performance constraints than the bigger
    mainframe systems. The first optimization was the maintenance of free
    and modified lists of pages that had recently been removed from a
    processes' working set. Because these lists were maintained at a certain
    length, there was a good chance that a page which had been removed from
    the working set but was still needed would still be resident in physical
    memory and thus could be returned to the processes' working set without
    requiring a disk access. The next optimization was to batch reads and
    writes between memory and disk. This was maybe a little hard to do
    especially with memory pages going to the paging file but definitely
    could be done when loading program images. A final optimization involved
    having a swapper process separate from the pager which was responsible
    for moving entire processes' working sets into and out of memory as they
    were context-switched. This part was not entirely clear to me as I
    couldn't quite tell if the swapper moved the processes' pages into same
    file as the pager used or if there was a separate file the swapper used.
    Another piece I had trouble understanding was the discussion of how
    process page tables are dealt with. They are a part of system space, but
    yet are added to a processes' resident set when they are faulted. I'm
    sure if I understand a little more about how the overall virtual memory
    system worked this would be more clear. I guess that means processes'
    working sets can contain system as well as user pages?

  • Next message: Cliff Schmidt: "Levy and Lipman. "Virtual Memory Management in VAX/VMS""

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