Review: Eric Jul, et al. Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System.

From: Richard Jackson (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 17:18:05 PST

  • Next message: ahemavathy: "Emerald Review"

    This 1988 paper by Jul, Levy, Hutchinson and Black introduces a system
    called Emerald which supports very fine-grained mobility. This expands
    on previous work, where only certain objects were allowed to move.
    Here, a base assumption is that any object can be moved. The main
    concept of a mobility-based system is that objects can be distributed
    arbitrarily across the distributed system. For example, a memory
    reference could actually reference the memory on another machine. Also,
    this reference could change over time, as that memory was relocated to
    other machines.
    This paper has the following main sections: 1) Introduction to problem
    domain, 2)overview of Emerald design and implementation, 3)Performance.
    The first section gives a good overview of why we would even build such
    a system. The general concept was strange to me, but after reading the
    paper it's clear that this approach has some interesting benefits. Some
    of them include: 1)load sharing, 2)communications performance,
    3)availability, 4) invocation performance, 5)garbage collection. Of
    these, the most interesting one was #2, as it provides some key locality
    advantages. Instead of wasting resources repeatedly querying remote
    data, we can transfer the data locally and use it without the network
    The second section discusses many of the issues that face a designer of
    a mobility system. The main issue here seemed to be the address
    translation issues or marshalling issues. That is, movement of an
    object requires that all references to that object be fixed so that they
    will still work after the object moves. The Emerald design solves this
    by searching for references only at preemption-time, which generally
    minimizes overall cost. Here, as in other parts of the paper, the
    designers chose an implementation that ensures local performance is
    minimally affected. This section also discusses some of the language
    features that support mobility. The following primitives are
    introduced: Locate, Move, Fix, Unfix, Refix. Also introduced is the
    concept of "attached" objects, where movement of one object causes
    attached objects to be moved as well. Using these primitives and
    attachment concepts, the programmer maintains some control over the
    location of objects within the system.
    The section on performance described various tests that were done with
    Emerald, comparing various types of remote invocation, both with and
    without mobility The data showed that the mobility system actually
    resulted in a speedup of 22%. Also, the authors noted that only 2 lines
    of code were needed to make this improvement. This was very impressive.
    Overall, Emerald seems to be a well-designed mobility system that
    effectively demonstrates the power of this type of system. It
    definitely changed the way I think about sharing data in a distributed
    system. I think the key successes of this system were: 1) efficient
    local execution, 2) ease of programming.

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