Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 13:42:02 PST

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review of Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

    The paper, "Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System" describes an
    object-based language and system called Emerald. It was written in 1988
    by a number of researchers from the University of Washington. Emerald
    was designed to support the construction of distributed programs on a
    LAN. The elements of mobility in this system are objects, and as such
    the approach supports relocation of smaller pieces of information, than
    previous efforts (noted exception distributed smalltalk) which focused
    on distribution of entire processes. The paper focuses on the language
    constructs and provides a description of the run-time.

    The language supports the idea of attaching member objects together
    (through the Attach primitive) to create a object graph that requires a
    single locality to function efficiently. Move, Locate, Fix, Unfix and
    Refix primitives are also supported. Parameter passing as part of remote
    invocation can be managed through the use of call-by-visit or
    call-by-move semantics.

    During execution, the run-time decomposes the stack into discrete
    frames, each associated with a specific object. The system calls the
    activation records. As object move about the system the information
    associated with that activation record may need to move with it. Emerald
    implements such a mechanism allowing different portions of the stack to
    execute on different machines.

    I thought the priorities used relative to performance were logical in
    that optimizing the perf of remote calls at the sacrifice of local
    execution performance would have little or no benefit.

    The invocation forwarding mechanism used to locate objects from stale
    references seemed simple and effective. I wonder how often the system,
    falls back to doing a broadcast to find current object locations. Aren't
    there some race conditions here in situations where objects are
    frequently moving about the LAN?

    I didn't really understand the optimizations surrounding moving
    activation records. I would appreciate some coverage of this topic if

    The description of the the garbage collection facilities were very well
    written and made it easy to understand the optimizations that were made
    to enable some parallelism relative to execution.

    Chuck Reeves,
    Microsoft | Windows | Directory Services

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review of Fine-Grained Mobility in the Emerald System"

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