On behalf of David Winkler -- Review: Experience with Grapevine

From: Gang Zhao (galaxy_at_cs.washington.edu)
Date: Wed Feb 04 2004 - 18:22:39 PST

This, like other papers shows us how the net came to its current state. The registration scheme employed by Grapevine is very reminiscent of the DNS name server system, although much much smaller.

The scope of the network seems small by today's standards, but 35000 messages was a lot. Even with that comparatively small number of messages, large message lists occupied a substanital portion of bandwidth, somewhat similar to today's problem with p2p networks.

The distribution scheme proposed for large mailing lists is particularly relevant to DNS lookup.

The article tends to be very conversational in tone, and thus is very easy to read.

The idea of open mail servers now seems scary in these days of spam. The dead letter facility also now seems to be an issue.

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