Review of Implementing RPC (by Birell and Nelson)

From: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal (
Date: Mon Feb 02 2004 - 15:28:22 PST

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls""

    This paper ("Implementing Remote Procedure Calls") describes the
    structure, design, and implementation decisions made for the RPC
    package. The idea behind RPC is to extend the semantics of procedure
    calls within a program running on a single computer, to distributed
    computing environments.

    The authors start with describing their aim of making this RPC package
    efficient, secure, to have powerful semantics and easy to use. Then,
    they talk about the issues they face and the decisions they had to make
    without compromising their aims. In their RPC design, there is no
    support for calling by reference, timeouts and no provision for the use
    of shared address spaces.

    The RPC system consists of five pieces of programs - the user, the
    user-stub, the RPC communication package (known as RPCRuntime), the
    server-stub, and the server. The user, user-stub and one instance of
    RPCRuntime execute in the caller machine, and the server, the
    server-stub and another instance of RPCRuntime execute in the callee
    machine. When a user wishes to make a remote call, it actually makes a
    perfectly normal local call that invokes a corresponding procedure in
    the user-stub, which is responsible for placing a specification of the
    target procedure and arguments into one or more packets and asking the
    RPCRuntime to transmit these reliably to the callee machine. On receipt
    of these packets, the RPCRuntime in the callee machine passes them to
    the server-stub. The server-stub unpacks them and again makes a
    perfectly normal local call, which invokes the appropriate procedure in
    the server. Meanwhile, the calling process is suspended awaiting a
    result packet. RPCRuntime is responsible for retransmissions,
    acknowledgements, packet routing, and encryption.

    Binding is achieved by using the Grapevine distributed database. The
    database maintains two tables, one for types of interface (of the
    procedure call) and the other for instances, which may be the actual
    name for the remote procedure offered. When an interface (of a module)
    is exported by a server, the type and the instance are registered to the
    database. A client, who wants to use an interface, looks up the server
    address by giving the type and instance or just the type.

    The RPC runtime uses its own specialized communications protocol for
    transport of RPC packets that is lighter than traditional
    connection-oriented protocols. The protocol is optimized for handling
    simple calls on LAN environment; therefore it might not be suitable for
    one way bulk data transmission. In this protocol, the machine that
    transmits a packet is responsible for retransmitting it until an
    acknowledgment. Caller process may call at most one outstanding remote
    procedure at any time. No special connection establishment protocol is
    required; receipt of a call packet from a previously unknown activity is
    sufficient to create the connection implicitly, for last, no explicit
    connection termination protocol is used.

    The authors then discuss the techniques used to enhance the performance.
    For example, when a server process is entirely finished with a call, it
    reverts to its idle state instead of dying, thus saving the cost of
    forking a process for each call. The performance analyses were nice to
    read through although it was very brief. But overall, RPC seems like a
    very powerful concept and is easy to use.

  • Next message: Gail Rahn: "Review of "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls""

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