Review: Implementing Remote Procedure Calls

From: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 18:24:28 PST

  • Next message: "Jim Shearers review of Implementing Remote Procedure Calls"

    The paper discusses an early implementation of RPC package in Xerox Palo
    Alto Research center. The idea of RPC is to give a simple way for
    distributing computation very similar to local procedure call. At the
    time this was implemented, there was already some literature on RPC, but
    there was no actual system that implemented RPC.

    The system was developed in the Cedar programming environment involving
    Dorado computers, then very powerful. There were 3MBPS and 10 MBPS
    networks in the environment and the protocol used for communications was
    PUP. The programming was done using a high-level language called Mesa.


    The authors' primary aim was to make distributed computing easy by
    taking the issues of communication away from the programmer. Efficiency
    and security were the other aims. The authors discuss the various
    design alternatives that they faced: message passing, remote forking,
    shared address space among computers. But Mesa language support and no
    perceivable advantages in other alternatives led them to RPC. Within RPC
    the primary principle that helped in many design choices was to make RPC
    semantically as close as possible to local procedure calls. For example
    their RPC does not have time-out because local procedure calls did not
    have any time-outs.


    The RPC is based on the concept of stubs. The five pieces involved are:
    user, user-stub, RPC communication package, server-stub and server. The
    idea involved is that if the servers and users are combined, the
    application would run with out the RPC. The binding involved naming and
    locating an appropriate exported. Naming involved specifying the type
    and the instance. Example given is a mail server as type and a specific
    mail server as an instance. They used the Grapevine database for
    locating an exporter. The servers use ExportInterface to register an
    interface (which involves an interface and a procedure in the
    server-stub). The clients use ImportInterface to bind to a server. The
    RunTime queries the Grapevine database for the network address of the
    server and then makes a remote procedure call on the server to get the
    binding information. The server yields a unique identifier and a table
    index to the importer (user). The user-stub remembers the exporter's
    network address (from Grapevine), identifier and the index. Subsequent
    calls use this information, part of them in the call itself. The unique
    identifier scheme ensures that the bindings are broken if the server
    crashes for some reason (& reboots).


    The authors then discuss the transport protocol. They deal with two
    types of calls: a simple call where all of the arguments will fit in the
    buffer (and all of results will fit in the buffer). To make a call in
    this space, the caller sends a packet containing a call id, procedure
    info and arguments. When the callee machine receives this packet, the
    appropriate procedure is called and the result packet is sent back. The
    other type is a complicated call: here the retransmission &
    acknowledgements are used.

    The RPC package also emulates Mesa's exception handling (where in a
    server sends an exception packet to the caller and the caller-stub
    catches this and raises an exception.


    Given the author's aims and goals, the system seems to satisfactorily
    cover them. Overall this is a nice paper that clearly explains the RPC
    package that they developed.



















































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