Implementing RPC review

From: David Coleman \(Roxio Inc\) (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 16:18:01 PST

  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review of Implementing RPCs"

    "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls" by Andrew Birrel and Bruce Nelson
    describes their research and efforts implementing RPC; they explicitly
    note that several previous papers had been paper-only system and they
    encountered some poorly understood areas. Unfortunately they didn't
    elaborate on these areas at all or how their approach differed from
    previous work (much).


    Their basic concept is that programs call through interfaces and the
    modules that implement those interfaces can reside anywhere on the
    network. A global locator service, Grapevine in this case, is used to
    bind instances of interfaces to locations. Stub functions are used to
    make the calls effectively transparent to the caller. Pointers cannot
    be sent to RPCs due to the lack of a shared address space - I would have
    expected them to marshal that data (obviously not embedded pointers


    The authors mention that security and protection were considered and are
    supported. They did not discuss their approach in much detail. They
    allow for the packets to be encrypted. Grapevine enforces access rights
    which will prevent an unauthorized entity from placing an export entry
    in the database which prevents the possibility of Trojan Horse-style
    attacks. Any results returned from Grapevine for object location can be
    considered to be secure. However, the concept of revocation was never
    discussed and is not clear if it is supported.


    It appears that the server must always be running in order to serve
    requests. There doesn't seem to be a mechanism in place for the
    RPCRuntime on the server machine to start up the server process upon an
    attempt to call a server function. This can obviously lead to
    significant overhead.


    Their approach was to model local procedure calls to ensure the
    transparency. This is a very useful goal in that it makes using RPC
    very easy for caller. However, I would have liked to have seen
    asynchronous RPC as well. They did pretty much support that via
    lightweight process creation and then making the call in the process,
    but I can see value for truly asynchronous calls.


    Overall, as I was reading this paper my first thought was: COM. Again
    it makes me realize just how much of our technology and industry today
    is based on pioneering, well thought out, early work.


  • Next message: Honghai Liu: "Review of Implementing RPCs"

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