Implementing Remote Procedure Calls.

From: Chuck Reeves (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 14:15:19 PST

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Grapevine Review"

    The paper, "Implementing Remote Procedure Calls" was written by Birrell
    and Nelson at Xerox in 1984. The document provides a high-level (block
    diagram) description of a model for execution of procedures on remote
    computers. Built for use in the Cedar project at Xerox, the model
    described is clearly the foundation for how RPC works in many operating
    systems and distributed component models (DCOM, CORBA) today.
    Specifically, features such as user-stubs (proxies), the role of the
    RPCRuntime, server-stubs, interfaces and types even parallel the
    conceptual models supported in the distributed component models of
    The description of how the transport protocol managed session,
    conversation and message identifiers was paticularly interesting.
    Although, I thought the text glossed over some of the decisions they
    made regarding state management and process affinity.
    There was also no discussion of the types supported by this system. In
    my experience this is one of the most difficult decisions in building
    this kind of infrastructure. Did they simply assume a that a common
    language (and serialization model) was used on both sides?

    Chuck Reeves,
    Microsoft | Windows | Directory Services

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Grapevine Review"

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