Review of the Lotery scheduling paper...

From: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 17:33:29 PST

  • Next message: Reid Wilkes: "Lottery Scheduling Paper Review"

    This paper ("Lottery Scheduling") presents a very nice mechanism for
    scheduling and allocation of resources with in a system. It further goes
    on to say that this logic can be generalized to be used to manage any
    resources. Then it talks about the implementation details and the
    prototype lottery scheduler that was implemented for Mach 3.0
    microkernel and summaries the results of several quantitative

    As the name indicates, the whole idea is based on the "lottery".
    Resource rights are represented by lottery tickets. Each task that
    needs to use a resource holds a lottery ticket. Resource allocation is
    determined by a lottery (using a random number generator). The winner of
    the lottery gets the resource. The expected allocation of resources to
    is proportional to the number of tickets that they hold. The authors
    claim that this method is probabilistically fair and give a nice
    explanation. They further go on to say that startvation does not exist
    as any client with atleast 1 ticket will eventually win a lottery.

    A client can acquire tickets in many ways. Tickets can be transferred
    from one client to another or a client can escalate its resource rights
    by creating more tickets (ticket inflation). Componensation tickets are
    granted to clients that uses only a fraction of its alocated resource.
    Currencies were not very clear initially. However, I got a better
    picture in the implementation section while going through the examples.
    The experiments that talk about fairness and flexible control were nice
    to read through. In general, the experiments seem to convice that the
    lottery scheduler provides fair execution time with respect to the
    number of tickets each of the clients hold. In the end, the authors
    mention that this could be used for other resources like memory
    management, IO, multiple resources, etc.

    Overall, I thought it was an interesting algorithm and the authors do a
    good job of presenting this novel approach to the scheduling problem.

  • Next message: Reid Wilkes: "Lottery Scheduling Paper Review"

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