Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management.

From: Manish Mittal (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 15:10:07 PST

  • Next message: Cem Paya 98: "Review-- lottery scheduling"


    The authors present a simple scheduling scheme that differs from widely
    deployed priority-based methods. One of the problems with the priority
    based systems is that highest priority always wins. Lottery scheduling
    provides intuitive proportional resource management, dynamic flexibility
    as well as other desirable properties missing from more complex
    scheduling algorithms. Lottery scheduling also provides excellent
    support for modular resource management. Lottery scheduling can be
    generalized to manage many diverse resources, such as I/O bandwidth,
    memory, and access to locks.


    The central idea of this system is simple. Resource rights are
    represented by lottery tickets. Priority is determined by the relative
    percentage of all of the tickets competing for this resource. Tickets
    are uniform and can be used to compete for different kinds of resources.
    Scheduler picks winning ticket randomly, and grants resource to client
    holding winning ticket. The expected allocation of resources to clients
    is proportional to the number of tickets that they hold. Response time
    is inversely proportional to ticket allocation.


    Tickets behave much like money, and the paper describes several
    constructs for lottery scheduling analogous to market controls,
    including ticket transfers and currencies. The ticket transfers allow
    blocked processes to speed up another process they are waiting for,
    while the currencies allow for localized resource management. Another
    added feature of the authors' lottery system is ensuring that resources
    are allocated fairly, i.e. in proportion to number of tickets owned,
    over time through use of compensation tickets. Basic idea behind
    compensation tickets is that if you complete fraction f of the quantum,
    your tickets are inflated by 1/f until the next time you win.

    Several experiments are conducted to test fairness and flexible control.
    The experiments shows that the lottery scheduler is accurate in
    providing fair execution time with respect to the number of tickets each
    of the clients hold. In addition, the flexibility of the scheduler
    displayed with the Monte-Carlo experiment helps supports the scheduler
    exhibiting dynamic control. The authors also talk about ways in which
    the scheduler could be used for other resources such as IO, networks and

    This paper presents a novel approach to the scheduling problem that
    makes use of probability to easily provide behavior that is otherwise
    difficult to obtain. The numerous applications the authors refers to
    such as transferring tickets from clients to servers to give some
    clients higher priority, fine-tuning quality of service for media-based
    applications at the OS level and separating resource management between
    different groups of tasks through ticket currencies clearly demonstrate
    the productiveness of lottery scheduling.

    I think this paper does an excellent job of proving its points. The
    small case studies are clear and easy to follow. The mathematical
    reasoning behind their claims is also convincing. However, comparisons
    between lottery scheduling and other scheduling algorithms on the given
    tests would have been quite helpful. The results the authors provide
    are impressive, but difficult to assess without knowledge of the working
    of other algorithms.



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