Review: Lottery Scheduling: Flexible Proportional-Share Resource Management

From: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam (
Date: Tue Jan 27 2004 - 19:40:46 PST

  • Next message: Joanna Muench: "Lottery Scheduling Review"

    This paper discusses a novel solution for proportional-share resource
    allocation. It lets you think about allocation and management in new
    In lottery scheduling, resource rights are represented by lottery
    tickets. Each time a resource is available for allocation, lottery is
    held and the owner of the winning lottery gets the resource. The values
    of the lottery tickets are relative. If a resource is highly contended,
    then a ticket could represent a small fraction and vice versa.
    Scheduling by lottery is probabilistic. The probability p that a client
    holding t tickets will win a given lottery of total T tickets is simply
    p = t/T.

    The authors then present the basic resource management techniques with
    lottery tickets. Tickets can be transferred from one client to another.
    An example given is that a client waiting for a reply from an RPC can
    give its tickets to the server. Ticket inflation can be used by a
    client to increase its share by creating more lottery tickets. Then the
    authors introduce a very interesting concept of currency very similar to
    actual currency. It leads you into exchange rate, inflation rate and so
    on. The currency abstraction is useful for flexibly naming, sharing and
    protecting resource rights. A client that does not use all of its
    allocated resources will be given compensation tickets until next
    quantum so that it gets proper share of the processor.

    The authors then go onto describe the implementation. A prototype
    lottery scheduler was implemented by modifying the Mach 3.0 microkernel
    on a 25MHz MIPS-based DecStation. Lottery scheduler will randomly
    select a winning ticket and then search a list of clients to locate the

    Experiments were conducted to evaluate the prototype. Over longer
    periods of time, the scheduler allocation seems to be fair (average
    ratio of 2.01:1 for a 2:1 ticket allocation). The client-server
    computation experiment also showed that the responses matched to that of
    the priority of the clients (based on tickets held).

    Lotteries can be used to manage many diverse resources such processor
    time, I/O bandwidth, access to locks, in general, wherever queuing is
    necessary for resource access. The authors discuss synchronization
    resources (example mutex implementation) and space-shared resources
    (like memory). Lottery scheduling can control the relative waiting
    times of threads competing for lock access. The ticket transfers from
    blocked threads to fund mutex currency and inheritance ticket transfer
    from mutex to thread holding the mutex, solves the priority inversion
    problem (high priority thread blocked by a low-priority thread holding

  • Next message: Joanna Muench: "Lottery Scheduling Review"

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