Review of "Scheduler Activations"

From: Gail Rahn (
Date: Wed Jan 28 2004 - 10:59:29 PST

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of Schedular Activations paper - Anderson et al..."

    Review of "Scheduler Activations" by Anderson, Bershad, Lazowska and Levy

    The "Scheduler Activations" paper introduces a user-level thread-management
    architecture that provides the performance benefits of kernel threads and
    the flexibility of user threads. Threads, of greatly increasing importance
    at the time of this paper, can be considered lightweight processes. They
    selarate process execution from memory and are a significant performance
    advantage over single-process program design.

    In contemporary operating systems, both kernel-mode and user-mode threads
    have been implemented poorly. User-level threads rely on thread-management
    systems that can exhibit poor or incorrect behavior in the face of certain
    OS activity patterns. Kernel threads always behave consistently, but
    consistently too slow and heavy, even an order of magnitude slower than
    user-level thread management. User-level threads have significant advantages
    that must be preserved in an improved thread-management system. User threads
    incur less cost than threads implemented in the kernel.

    For the kernel to effectively support user-level thread management, the
    kernel incurs the burden of supporting arbitrary threading features desired
    by "reasonable applications". This is overhead best left out of an
    operating system kernel. The kernel also perform thread-management operation
    (block, resume, schedule) with no consideration of the user-level thread
    state. This information could drive more relevant scheduling. When
    threading is implemented at the kernel leve, the kernel is often forced to
    decide between user threads to run with no context about the *best*
    selection. User-level threads are able to choose and influence thread
    scheduling, but at a performance cost.

    This paper presents a user-mode thread management system that provides the
    stability of kernel-mode threading and the performance of user-mode
    threading, while ensurind that threads always behave correctly in critical
    sections, page faults and other operating system activities. The system,
    deemed "Scheduler Activations", provides an application with a
    virutal-multiprocessor interface. The application receives a variant number
    of (virtual) multiprocessors. The user thread-management system controls
    what threads are run on each virtual processor. The kernel and thread
    system communicate to notify the other about events that affect the address
    space and scheduling decisions. These behavior changes are transparent to
    the application programmer, using the same interface as the
    thread-management platform shipped with the operating system.

    Scheduler activations are data structures created by the kernel and passed
    between the kernel and user levels to manage threads. A program receives one
    scheduler activation structure per virtual processor. The kernel calls into
    the application when each scheduler activation has been created and is ready
    for use. Scheduler activations are also passed from the kernel to the
    user-level system to notify for blocking, pre-emption and unblocking. These
    events are generally precursors to kernel scheduling decisions, so the
    user-level code has an opportunity to make scheduling decisions based on
    information vectored in from the kernel. The user-level system notifies the
    kernel only of thread operations that affect physical processor allocation
    decisions (i.e. this virtual processor is idle).

    Because scheduler activation is a thread-management system implemented at
    the user level, the kernel must be able to handle a dishonest user-level
    system, processes that attempt to hoard processing time by requesting
    support for more threads than necessary. Clever processor-allocation
    algorithms can assign prioritiies based on the process's thread-usage
    history to mitigate this factor.

    This system was implemented and shown to have the same performance as
    FastThreads, the best existing user-level threading implementation. When an
    application frequently accesses kernel services, the performance of
    scheduler activations is shown to be more efficient than FastThreads.

    Gail Rahn

  • Next message: Prasanna Kumar Jayapal: "Review of Schedular Activations paper - Anderson et al..."

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