Scheduler Activations: Effective Kernel Support for the User-Level management of Parallelism.

From: Manish Mittal (
Date: Mon Jan 26 2004 - 17:15:17 PST

  • Next message: Clifford B Schmidt: "FW: Cliff Schmidt's review of Scheduler Activations"

    This paper analyzes the problems caused by implementing thread in kernel
    level or user level. Based on analysis, the paper describes a protocol,
    including both kernel interface and user level thread package, to
    combine the functionality of kernel threads and flexibility of user


    Both kernel threads and user-level threads can not satisfy the
    requirements of parallel programming. Author argues that performance of
    kernel threads is inherently worse than that of user level threads. For
    ex 1) Kernel threads block, resume, and are preempted without
    notification to the user level 2) Kernel-based synchronization is
    expensive 3) Application has little control over thread scheduling.

    User level threads provide much faster thread primitives and support
    fine grain parallelism but they also suffer from certain issues such as:
    1) User level threads have the problem that the expected performance is
    not achieved in the presence of multiprogramming, I/O, page faults

    2) If a user-level thread executes a kernel call that blocks, the kernel
    thread becomes disabled.

    3) Kernel thread may become blocked in a critical section, preventing
    user-level threads from running even though there may be other kernel
    threads to run them.


    The proposed solution is to have the kernel communicate with the
    user-level thread system via scheduler activations.

    Scheduler activations serve three roles:
    * serves as a vessel for running user-level threads the same way that a
    kernel thread does
    * notifies the user-level thread of a kernel event
    * provides space in the kernel for saving the processor context of the
    current user thread.


    A scheduler activations data structures contains two stacks: kernel
    stack and user-level stack. When user-level thread calls the kernel, it
    uses it activation's kernel stack. The user-level thread scheduler runs
    on the activation's user-level stack. The user-level selects and
    executes a thread in the context of the scheduler activation.

    The basic idea of scheduler activations is very simple. When a processor
    is allocated to a process the user level thread manager is notified
    through an upcall and the process is free to schedule another thread.
    When a thread blocks inside the kernel (for I/O say) then the kernel
    again notifies the user level thread manager that the thread is blocked
    (but the processor is still available to the user level process). Thus
    the free processor is used by the user level process the way it desires.
    In case when thread is preempted inside the kernel (and the processor
    for that thread is given to another process) the kernel preempts another
    thread of the same process (to which the first preempted thread
    belonged) since the kernel needs a processor to run the upcall and sends
    a notification to the user level thread manager that two threads have
    been preempted but only one processor is now available, the user level
    thread can do whatever it wants with this free processor. If a thread is
    preempted within a critical section, then the user level thread manager
    receives the upcall and then re-runs the thread (by removing another of
    its own threads) so that the critical section can be completed.


    The usefulness of the approach has been shown through a prototyping
    effort on DEC SRS Firefly Multiprocessor Workstation and by Modification
    of FastThreads and kernel threads of Topaz (the OS of the Firefly). The
    paper presents some measurement results that show that the 'virtual
    multiprocessor' thread system exhibits performance that is typical of
    user level thread systems while at the same time avoiding the system
    integration problems exhibited by these systems. The idea of activations
    is very appealing, however it is not clear whether these activations are
    destroyed after each use or kept in a free list for performance

  • Next message: Clifford B Schmidt: "FW: Cliff Schmidt's review of Scheduler Activations"

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