Review of Performance Implications of Thread Management Alternatives

From: Joanna Muench (
Date: Sun Jan 25 2004 - 20:42:08 PST

  • Next message: Greg Green: "The Performance Implications of Thread Management Alternatives for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors"

    The paper by Anderson et al (1989) provides an interesting comparison of
    alternatives for thread management in a multiprocessor environment. The
    authors detail five alternative thread management strategies as well as
    three spin-lock management alternatives. They fully discuss the
    trade-offs between latency and throughput for the various systems and
    develop a simplified queuing model to explain their results.

    I found the discussion of free lists as a way to avoid much of the
    tradeoff between latency and throughput thought provoking. It fully
    brought out the dynamics of the multithread/multiprocessor problem
    domain, with the need to efficiently move threads between processors.
    The use of free lists appears to move the trade-off between latency and
    throughput into other parts of the problem, such as whether performance
    should be optimized for idle processors or busy ones. Especially
    interesting was the latency dependence of the local ready queue on the
    number of runnable threads.

    The concept of an Ethernet-style backoff as a solution to the spin lock
    problem was also intriguing, both as a powerful solution to a difficult
    problem and also the drawbacks of that approach. It is easy to see how
    lock unfairness could be problematic to an application. Even with the
    drawbacks to the backoff algorithm, it seemed that the performance
    enhancement (or rather lack of performance degradation) might make the
    unfairness and problems under large numbers of processors worth it.

    I would like to see an expanded discussion of the models for bus and
    lock contention, since the authors did succeed in capturing the
    important dynamics of their management strategies. This would also
    highlight some of the assumptions that went into their results. A
    sensitivity analysis for the model results would have improved the
    modeling section.

  • Next message: Greg Green: "The Performance Implications of Thread Management Alternatives for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors"

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