Anderson et al. Thread paper review

From: David Coleman (
Date: Sat Jan 24 2004 - 18:10:58 PST

  • Next message: "Jim Shearers review of The Performance Implications of Thread Management Alternatives for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors"

    This article presents several alternatives for managing threads on
    shared-memory multiprocessor systems. It describes different approaches
    used by a thread library to create and start threads on available
    processors. It presents five different designs for managing the data
    structures necessary for thread management. Measurements of the various
    approaches are presented with a clear winner for larger numbers of
    processors. Different approaches for implementing spinlocks in
    shared-memory environments are also presented, again with empirical data
    and a clear winner for larger numbers of processors.

    The thread library described uses free processors to create and start
    threads. Because of this, the thread library is itself essentially a
    multithreaded application. As such, the design for minimizing
    bottlenecks in thread creation and starting applies to all
    multithreaded, shared-memory applications. However, it must be
    remembered that the actual number of instructions necessary to implement
    this is small and the measurements for the different designs might
    differ for larger applications.

    The thread model presented seems to indicate that threads either run
    until they relinquish the processor or complete processing. They don’t
    appear to be interruptible. The statement from the introduction supports
    this, “No locking is needed inside thread routines, since only one
    routine can be executing at any one time.” The code presented in Table
    III also seems to indicate this.

    It took me a little time to get my mind around two things: that threads
    are not preemptively interrupted and we are operating from the
    prospective of the implementation of the thread library. The discussion
    of the processors searching for threads caught me a little by surprise.

    Nevertheless, this is a very interesting discussion of thread contention
    for shared resources. I attended a performance talk at Microsoft
    describing some of these approaches to partitioning problems to avoid
    bottlenecks and bus thrashing (there are issues with different variables
    sharing cache lines and thus invalidating the cache even though separate
    memory addresses are used for per-thread flags).

  • Next message: "Jim Shearers review of The Performance Implications of Thread Management Alternatives for Shared-Memory Multiprocessors"

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