The Structure of "THE" - Multiprogramming System

From: Raz Mathias (
Date: Thu Jan 08 2004 - 17:34:46 PST

  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Dijkstra Review"

    This paper discussed the structure of a layered operating system. A
    central theme of the paper was the fact that the layers correspond to
    reasoning at different levels of abstraction, where sub-layers do not
    necessarily have to be considered when reasoning about higher layers.
    At the lowest level we have the task of processor allocation to various
    processes and a concept of time slicing, in which no process can
    monopolize any one processor. The next level, the "segment controller"
    handles virtual memory for the system, followed by the "message
    interpreter," which multiplexes input, buffered I/O, and finally user
    programs and the operator.


    If this was the paper that introduced the layering approach (I'm not
    sure whether it was), I would say that the concept of layering the
    operating system is a solid one. In terms of depth, I didn't find this
    paper particularly rich.


  • Next message: Brian Milnes: "Dijkstra Review"

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