Review: The Structure of the "THE"-Multiprogramming System - Edsger W.Dijkstra

From: Sellakumaran Kanagarathnam (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 11:43:37 PST

  • Next message: Muench, Joanna: "Review for "The Structure of the 'THE'-Multiprogramming System""

    This paper talks about the multiprogramming effort at the Technological
    University in Eindhoven. The author gives a high level view of the
    design of the system and shares his experiences regarding staffing for
    the project, mistakes made during the course of the project and how
    testing was simplified by the layered approach to the design. In the
    appendix he also describes how mutual synchronization is achieved using

    It starts by stating that they had limited human resources, further
    worsened by the part-time availability. He explains the issue in
    part-time availability and also stresses how highly skilled members are
    essential to a project of this scale.

    Then the author goes on to clearly state the goals of the effort. To
    some extent he also states what the system is not intended to be.
    Before going onto the details of the system, the author goes on to give
    a progress report. He identifies two major mistakes during the course
    of the project. Even though he states that the lack of debugging had no
    serious consequences, it is hard to believe that and I tend to think of
    it as his first impression. He goes on to say that they were very
    careful to prevent nasty bugs from entering construction and they had
    found that the logical soundness of the system (that they built) could
    be proved and the system would help exhaustive testing. I did not find
    detailed explanation of the proof, but he does talk about his testing
    strategy. When he says the system is guaranteed to be flawless (even
    before testing is complete), though amusing, it speaks of his confidence
    in his proofs (which I couldn't explicitly find in his paper).

    The author then gives the technical details of his design and he
    describes segment variables, different sequential processes in the
    system, synchronization. He then explains the different levels of
    abstraction in the system: processor allocation, segment controller,
    console management, peripheral management, user programs and operator at
    the top. These different levels of abstractions had helped the team in
    testing. In the design experience he explains the various stages
    involved in that project. He concludes by saying how designers should
    take into account of testing.

    This is a neatly structured paper with lots of ideas which still hold
    well. However additional explanations would have helped better
    understanding of some of the points made.

  • Next message: Muench, Joanna: "Review for "The Structure of the 'THE'-Multiprogramming System""

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