Review of the THE paper

From: David Coleman (
Date: Wed Jan 07 2004 - 08:49:52 PST

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""THE multiprogramming system" Review"

    The Structure of the “THE”-Multiprogramming System by Edsger Dijkstra is
    a fairly high-level description of the system along with some brief
    discussions of how it was developed and some lessons learned. The paper
    starts out with an overall introduction which describes the goals of the
    project, the guiding design principles, and closes with the thought that
    the individuals designing and building the system need to be pretty
    smart and well-trained to make it successful. The hardware is described
    (surprisingly powerful), a progress report is given (in which perfection
    is claimed!), and the description of the system follows.

    The Storage Allocation section was very interesting and seems to
    describe an early implementation of virtual memory. An unfortunate lack
    of detail prevents this section from being more useful. I would have
    liked to have known what prompted them to explore alternatives to the
    classical Von Neumann machine. Also, was special hardware necessary to
    support this implementation? Was this really a description of virtual
    memory and was it the original invention of it?

    The Processor Allocation section makes a statement that I disagree with
    in light that processes are used to control hardware: “… only the time
    succession of the various states has a logical meaning, but not the
    actual speed with which the sequential process is performed.” It would
    seem that data loss is possible without a certain concern for processing
    speed in certain cases. I suspect that those situations were implicitly
    designed-for simply because they knew it wouldn’t work any other way.

    The System Hierarchy section describes another significant contribution.
    In short, it is a layered system in which each layer is responsible for
    a certain class of hardware. Each layer knows only the hardware it is
    managing; it knows nothing about the hardware being handled below it, in
    effect abstracting it. Possibly this was aided by their guiding design
    principle #2: Select a machine with sound characteristics and then
    forget about the hardware (paraphrase).

    The discussion of verification of the system hinged on 2 key points:
    complete testing is impossible so intelligent white-box testing and
    proof of correctness of the design was necessary. I’d also argue that
    more ad-hoc, pseudo-random, real-world testing is necessary because it
    invariably exposes timing holes and unexpected cases. Given the overall
    simplicity of the system they developed, their verification methods
    might not be sufficient for larger, more fully featured systems.

    The discussion of synchronization in the appendix was interesting
    although I didn’t understand the necessity or use of private semaphores.

    Overall I felt the lack of detail hurt this paper. I find myself asking
    questions like: “How did they come up with that?”, “Why did they take
    that or a different approach?”, “How did they actually implement it?”,
    or “How would I implement it?” and I generally wasn’t able to answer any
    of them simply due to lack of information. However, the concepts of
    virtual memory and layered, abstracted hardware were too significant to
    complain much about the paper.

  • Next message: Tarik Nesh-Nash: ""THE multiprogramming system" Review"

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