CSEP 548 Autumn 2012
Retro prof in the lab University of Washington Computer Science & Engineering
 CSEP 548 Autumn 2012
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Welcome to CSE PMP 548 - Autumn 2012, taught by Prof. Luis Ceze with Brandon Holt.

This website will be updated regularly, so check back for information during the course.


Oct 18: Homework 3 due date has been pushed back to Sunday, Oct 28 at 11:59pm.

Oct 16: A Catalyst discussion board has been created to be used for questions on lecture or homework that others may benefit from. Check there to see if your question has already been answered, but still feel free to email questions to Brandon as well.

Sept 28: If you did not receive an email from the csep548 mailing list at 12:15am on 9/27 titled "Welcome and announcements (v2)", then you must not have made it onto our email list. Please email Brandon if this is the case, as we don't want people missing important updates.

Sept 26: Critique 1 (Moore's Law) and Homework 1 (problem set) posted.


  • Wednesdays, 6:30pm - 9:20pm
  • UW: CSE 305 (Paul G. Allen Center), MS: Building 99, Room 1915.
  • Video archives of lectures, available the day after.


Make sure you're subscribed to the course mailing list Go here to subscribe. You can also view the mailing list archives.

Get in touch with us via email:


The schedule contains links to all the course materials, reading assignments, and homeworks.


All reading and homework assignments are to be submitted electronically via the Catalyst dropbox.

Grades will be posted via the Catalyst gradebook.

Grading breakdown (subject to change):

  • 25% reading assignments
  • 75% homework assignments

Late policy

10% reduction per 24 hours late (rounding up). So if you submit 1 hour late, that's 10% off, 25 hours late is 20% off, etc. You get a zero if you submit after the solution is posted.


Computer Architecture: A Quantitative Approach (5th Edition, Morgan Kaufmann, 2012), by John L. Hennessy and David A. Patterson

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University of Washington
Box 352350
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