csep546, Project 1 Turnin Form

Help for first time users.

Note: Only one of the group members should turnin the project. And you should fill out the partner information for the other team member in the form below.

Partner 1:

Partner 2:

2. Give Us Your Program.


Submit your zip/gz file. Note: The file should include your code, documentation, report and the breakdown of which group member did which part.
Tab Setting:

3. Press the TURN-IN button when you are ready.

Examine the receipt page you will see after clicking "TURN IN" to make sure that the your personal information/partner information is correct. Ignore any section number that appears on the receipt page. For your records, you may wish to print or save a copy of your final receipt.

If there is no response immediately, please try to be patient for a few minutes. If you want to back out and try again, hit the Stop botton on the tool bar; please don't press the TURN IN button again until you've done this.

You can turn in as many times as you wish; only the last turn-in will be graded. Previous turn-ins are not graded.