The Relational Model


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Table of Contents

The Relational Model

Why Study the Relational Model?

Relational Database: Definitions

Example Instance of Students Relation

Creating Relations in SQL

Integrity Constraints (ICs)

Primary Key Constraints

Primary and Candidate Keys in SQL

Foreign Keys, Referential Integrity

Foreign Keys in SQL

Enforcing Referential Integrity

Referential Integrity in SQL/92

Where do ICs Come From?

Logical DB Design: ER to Relational

Relationship Sets to Tables

Translating ER Diagrams with Key Constraints

Participation Constraints in SQL

Translating Weak Entity Sets

Relational Query Languages

The SQL Query Language

The SQL Query Language

Querying Multiple Relations

Adding and Deleting Tuples

Destroying and Altering Relations

Relational Model: Summary


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