- DOG (Name, Breed, MaxSize)
Name ®
Breed ®
- CLIENT_INTERVIEW (ClientNum, InterviewDate, InterviewTime, StaffNum, RoomNum)
{ClientNum, InterviewDate} ®
{InterviewTime, StaffNum, RoomNum}
{StaffNum, InterviewDate, InterviewTime} ®
{StaffNum, InterviewDate} ®
- UNIVERSITY (CourseNum, SecNum, Dept, Credits, Level, Instructor, Semester, Year, Time, Room, NumStudents)
CourseNum ®
{Dept, Credits, Level}
{CourseNum, SecNum, Semester, Year} ®
{Time, Room, NumStudents, Instructor}
{Room, Time, Semester, Year} ®
{Instructor, CourseNum, SecNum}
- (10 points) Textbook, Exercise 15.16. Describe the algorithm in pseudo-code and explain why it is linear.
- (12 points) An Armstrong relation is a relation instance that exemplifies
exactly the dependencies that hold over a relation schema R; i.e., all FDs
that do not hold over R are violated by the instance. Armstrong Relations
are sometimes used in database design to give a DBA example relations based
on the functional dependencies provided by the DBA; actual products for DBAs
exist that use the concept and some DBAs find it useful to see the
consequences of their FDs during the design process. Show an Armstrong
Relation for the schema (Instructor, Time, Room) in which the only FD
is {Instructor, Time} ® Room. Your answer
should use as few tuples as possible.
- (12 points) Let F = { AB ®
C, A ®
- Find a minimal cover for F.
- When (a) was given on an exam at a large western university, more than half the class answered G = {A ®
B, B ®
C}. Show this answer is wrong by giving a relation instance that satisfies F but violates G.