The same approach can be used to set up the code for all three modules (BufMgr, INL_Join, SM_Join). The instructions are for the BufMgr module, but you need only change a few words (indicated in square brackets below) to set up the two join modules.
If you want to see what a working version of the Buffer Manager or Sort-Merge Join code does with the test data, you can link in an executable solution by replacing Step 6 above with Step 6': Edit the Makefile to reverse the commenting on the two LFLAGS definitions and on the two SRCS definitions. Comments in a Makefile are lines beginning with #.
Naturally, you're free to monkey with the Makefile and to create more thorough tests (in the appropriate .C files). Other useful include files may be found in the directory /projects/instr/cse594/mini_hwk/assign/BufMgr/include [replace BufMgr with INL_Join, SM_Join].