Page last updated: July 1, 1998

Homework Assignments

Some of the homeworks will involve use of commercial relational and object-oriented DBMS products, so this part of the course should be a lot of fun! In addition, portions of the first four assignments will involve various aspects of building a relational DB from the ground up; it will involve logical and phyical design, querying, etc., and the data to be stored will be of your own choosing.

For use in class, on homeworks, and on the project, you will be given accounts (if you don't already have them) on the orcas/sanjuan UNIX machines and on the CSEPCLAB WindowsNT domain.

There are six homework assignments. The assignments and solutions will become available here at the appropriate times. Solutions will be available at most one week after the due date of an assignment. Solutions for the last assignment will be available at the time it is due.

I do not expect the homeworks to require vast quantities of time (i.e., during a given week, I'd like you to have time to do the homework and do some work on a course project), but I do expect your answers to be precise, concise, and to reflect clear and thorough thinking. Make any reasonable assumptions you need to on the homeworks, but state them clearly. I decide if an assumption is reasonable, so if you're not sure, ask me!

Note on due dates: I know that unforeseen events can make it difficult to adhere to all the due dates. Thus you can hand in any assignment (except the last) up to one week late, with a 10% penalty on the grade. Please try to do this only if you have to: the sooner I get all the homeworks, the sooner I can make solutions available, and that's better for everyone. If we work together on this and do our best, there shouldn't be any problems.

Here are some resources to help you with Homework 2. Their use is optional.


Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Homework 5
Homework 6


E/R Diagrams, Relations, and Normal Forms
Relational Algebra and SQL
Data Storage and Indexes
Query Evaluation and Optimization
Concurrency Control and Recovery
Object-Oriented Database Fundamentals

Date Assigned

July 1
July 8
July 15
July 22
August 5
August 12

Date Due

July 8
July 15
July 22
August 5
August 12
August 19


Homework 1 Solutions
Homework 2 Solutions
Homework 3 Solutions
Homework 4 Solutions
Homework 5 Solutions
Homework 6 Solutions

Homework grades: Some information on the grades earned for the homework assignment can be found here.