Notes on the Reading Assignments

Reviews are due by 6pm of the due date

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  1. Review 1 Due date: Wed. January 15. Submit here.

    Problems with SQL. Read sections 1-3; skim over 4-6.

    A Case Against SQL. Skip slides 32-35 and 65-end.

    Some suggested topics for discussion in your review:

  2. Review 2 Due date: Wed. January 22. Submit here.

    What goes around

    Read sections 1-5 and 10. The other sections are not recommended and we will not discuss them in class.

    Some suggested topics for discussion in your review:

  3. Review 3 Due date: Wed. January 29. Submit here.

    PAX Read sections 1-4; we will discuss them in class. Sec. 5-7 are optional and will not be covered in class.

    Column Store Read sections 1 and 2, skim over Sec. 3; we may read Sec 4 later (time permitting)

    Some suggested topics for discussion in your review:

  4. Review 4 Due date: Wed. February 5. Submit here.

    Query Compiler Read sections 1,2,3; skim over section 4 (in particular, check out Fig. 6, which should become clear).

    Some topics to focus on (may use them in your review)

    Optional: Vectorized v.s. Compiled Sections 1 and 2 are a short introduction to vectorized v.s. data driven query processing.

  5. Review 5 Due date: Wed. February 12. Submit here.

    How good are they?

    Read the entire paper. We will discuss most of it in class.

    Optional reading: a more recent analysis on SQL Server

  6. Review 6 Due date: Wed. February 19. Submit here.

    Machine Learning in SQL.

    Topics to focus on:

  7. Due date: Mon. February 26. Submit here.

    LSM (watch this short video first)

    This is a very informative, but rather dense paper. Read and review sections 1,2,3. I recommend reading the rest of the paper too, but it is optional and we will not discuss it in class.

    Optional: watch the conference presentation of this paper here start at 52:00.