ZPL, A Parallel Programming Language


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Table of Contents

ZPL, A Parallel Programming Language

Practical Considerations

Homework Assignment

ZPL Overview

ZPL Factoids

By Observation ...

ZPL Is Intuitive: Find ? and ?

One Slide of Standard Stuff ...

Jacobi Iteration, The Loop

Jacobi Iteration, The Region

Jacobi Iteration, The Direction

Jacobi Iteration, The Border


Regions: State What, not How

Defining Regions Using of

Region Calculus

Regions In Computation

Global Operations

Finding The Bounding Box

Bounding Box With point Type

8-way Connected Components

ZPL Connected Components

Support for Boundaries

Cannon’s Algorithm

Skewing The Arrays

Performing Skewing Computation

Four Steps of Skewing A

Cannon’s Algorithm


Control-flow Chacteristics

Conditons on Shattered Control Flow

Applications of Shattered Control Flow

Flooding Abstraction

Flooding Operator

Matrix Product

Indexed Arrays

Indexed Arrays As Array Elements

Procedures -- Declarations

Procedure Factoids

More Procedural Facts

Vector Quantization

A Distance Procedure

VQ Compression Loop

VQ Observations



Author: Snyder

Email: snyder@cs.washington.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/596/CurrentQtr/

Other information:
CSE 596: Parallel Computation

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