CSE 596: General Information

Course Textbook:
Parallel Computer Architecture: A Hardware/Software Approach
by David E. Culler, Jaswinder Pal Singh, with Anoop Gupta
published by Morgan Kaufmann

Lectures: Thursday 6:30-9:20PM, EE1 003

Late homeworks:

If you have a problem turning your homework in on time, please let us know before the posted due date of the assignment. 20% will be deducted from homeworks up to a week late. Homeworks will not be accepted after a week.

Collaboration/Cheating Policy:

Students in this course are encouraged to work together. However, there are a few groundrules everyone must follow. Failure to understand and follow these rules will constitute cheating, and will be dealt with as per university guidelines.

Remote Access

The course will be broadcast to sites at Microsoft (RedWest F/1002) and Intel Dupont (DP2-217).  See  http://www.cs.washington.edu/masters/dl_tech/ for complete information.