use Random, Time; // use standard Random number generation and Timing modules /* configs: Override their default values on the executable's command line using: --= */ // // This lets you specify the number of random numbers to insert into // the tree (approximately the number of tree nodes, though we drop // duplicates). // config const numNodes = 100; // // This is a seed for the random number generator. This default value // will automatically pick a seed based on the microsecond field of // the current time. If you'd like to generate the same tree over and // over again (for performance comparisons), set it to an odd integer // between 0 and 2**46. // config const seed: int = SeedGenerator.currentTime; // // This should be used to specify an (approximate) upper bound on the // number of tasks executing at any given time. By default, we'll set // it to the number of cores. // config const maxTasks = here.numCores; // // The program starts executing here. Create the tree and search it. // proc main() { writeln("Creating tree..."); const (root, findme) = SetupProblem(); writeln("Starting search..."); BlindTreeSearch(root, findme); } // // TODO: Your job is to mprove the following routine which searches // blindly from 'root' for the value 'findme' (currently // sequentially). // // NOTE: while the random tree created for this program happens to // have the (sorted) binary search tree property, you should // ignore this fact and search the tree blindly for the 'findme' // value, as the serial solution does. I.e., pretend it does not have // the binary search tree property. // // 1) Modify the code to recursively search the children in parallel. // // 2) Avoid creating more tasks than necessary by switching to a // sequential search in the event that the number of tasks // running (query using 'here.runningTasks()') exceeds the 'maxTasks' // config. // // 2a) To see how parallelism is used, modify the path to the solution // that's built up to use 'L' and 'R' for a parallel search down a // left or right child (vs. the 'l' and 'r' used for serial cases). // // 3) Use a variable that is shared among the tasks in order to // have the tasks return from their searches early if another task // has already found the value in question. // proc BlindTreeSearch(root: TreeNode, findme) { // // This will store the path to the solution once we find it // var pathToSolution: string; // // check the starting time // const startTime = getCurrentTime(); // // start the search and don't proceed ('sync') until all tasks have // completed... // sync SearchNode(root); // // How long did that take? // const elapsedTime = getCurrentTime() - startTime; // // print results // writeln("Elapsed time was: ", elapsedTime); writeln("Path was: ", pathToSolution); // // This is a nested helper function which permits it to refer // directly to variables within BlindTreeSearch() like 'findme' // and 'pathToSolution'. // proc SearchNode(node: TreeNode, path = "") { // // base case: if we fall off the tree, return // if (node == nil) then return; if ( == findme) { // // we found the data element! Store the path // pathToSolution = path; } else { // // search the left and right children // SearchNode(node.left, path+"l"); SearchNode(node.right, path+"r"); } } } //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Everything below this is helper code and shouldn't need to be modified, // though you may find it helpful/interesting to read (or you may not). //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // // A class implementing a binary tree node // class TreeNode { var id: int(64); // a unique ID for the node var data: real(64); // its data value var left, right: TreeNode; // its children // // insert a new tree node ('newnode') as a descendent to 'this' // using normal sorted binary tree ordering // proc insert(newnode: TreeNode) { if ( < data) { // insert smaller data values to the left if (left == nil) then left = newnode; else left.insert(newnode); } else if ( > data) { // bigger ones to the right if (right == nil) then right = newnode; else right.insert(newnode); } else { // drop duplicates on the floor delete newnode; } } } // // A helper routine that creates and returns the root of the random // tree; it also returns one of the values in the tree (arbitrarily, // the one halfway through the stream of random numbers that were // inserted) to use as the target of the search. // proc SetupProblem(): (TreeNode, real(64)) { // // a stream of random numbers for creating the tree // const stream = new RandomStream(seed); // // For lack of imagination, we'll create the tree serially // const root = new TreeNode(data=stream.getNext(), id=1); for i in 2..numNodes { const newNode = new TreeNode(data=stream.getNext(), id=i); root.insert(newNode); } // // return the root of the tree and (arbitrarily) the random number // that was halfway through the values we inserted as the target // of our search. // return (root, stream.getNth(numNodes/2)); }