The environment for this simulation is an n x n grid of colored cells (red and blue are occupied, white is unoccupied). The n x n grid is divided up into blocks of size t x t, which are worked on by individual threads.
Each round all red cells move to the right, blue cells move down (if possible, based on the constraints to come)
Each round is divided into two steps; all red cells move in one step, then all blue move in one step. Cells cannot move into occupied cells.
A cell can be vacated by red, then moved into by a blue in a single round.
Board is toroidal
Initial state is input (potentially random); stop if any t x t block is 90% one color.
Write a Peril-L program to take advantage of parallelism in the problem.

Note: The end condition is not represented in this animation, it just shows six rounds. |