Programming in ZPL
We're using the parallel programming language, ZPL,
for some programming assignments. The ZPL home page has links to updated documentation
or buy the book from MIT Press.
Setting up ZPL for newport.cs.washington.edu
On this machine is an installation of ZPL and MPI-LAM, which is the
communcation package that the compiled ZPL binaries will be using.
In your .cshrc, .profile or whatever login script your shell uses, set the
following variables using the
appropriate idiom for your shell (setenv for
csh derivatives, export
for sh derivatives):
- ZPLHOME = /home/douglas/zpl
This determines the type of MPI used.
- ZPLTARGET = x86-linux
- LAMHOME = /home/douglas/lam
- Add to your PATH variable: ${ZPLHOME}/bin and ${LAMHOME}/bin
You may have to wrangle with Emacs automatic file
The computation cluster nodes are named ns100 to ns131. However ns110
and ns125 are broken and therefore unavailable. The ns nodes
can only be logged into from newport.cs.washington.edu (see below) but
newport itself is accessible from outside CSE. We provide two
sets of hosts in the following configuration files:
- $LAMHOME/etc/hostfile-testing (10 nodes, ns100 to ns109)
- $LAMHOME/etc/hostfile-performance (20 nodes, ns111 to ns124
and ns126 to ns131)
The former set of hosts should be used for small scale testing of your
parallel programs, while the latter should be used to generate performance
numbers. If load balance becomes an issue, we will supply additional
configuration files to spread the load.
Running parallel programs
- ssh to newport.cs.washington.edu
- Compile your ZPL programs on this machine, newport. You can
compile your programs elsewhere while doing (sequential) testing on them. Use
secure file transfer to move the source files to newport.
- ssh to the first node in the host configuration file you're using. This
is currently ns100 for hostfile-testing and ns111 for
hostfile-performance. Your home directories are shared between newport
and the ns nodes and they're all running the same version of Linux.
Thus there is no need to recompile programs on each ns node.
- Type lamboot path to host file. There will be a short
pause but should be under a minute depending on server load.
- Run your ZPL programs.
- Type lamhalt before logging out.
Setting up ZPL for attu.cs.washington.edu
There is an installation of ZPL set up for the class. It is accessible
from the instructional Linux server (attu.cs.washington.edu). You
must set some environment variables to use ZPL. In your .cshrc, .profile or
whatever login script your shell uses, set the following variables using the
appropriate idiom for your shell (setenv for csh derivatives, export
for sh derivatives):
- ZPLHOME = /projects/.instr/zpl/alpha/zpl
This determines what type of communication model is used. The options
for this installation are seq, pvm and mpi-lam, but for attu just use
- ZPLTARGET = x86-linux
- Add to your PATH variable: ${ZPLHOME}/bin
ZPL uses the file suffix .z to denote ZPL source files. If you are using Emacs as your text editor, the default behavior might be to automatically (de)compress files with certain extensions (such as .gz and .z). To have automatic file compression off by default (if not already off), edit your .emacs configuration file to include these lines:
; Stop the default.el file from being loaded after .emacs
(setq inhibit-default-init t)
; Always end a file with a newline - enable if you want
;(setq require-final-newline 'query)
(when window-system
;; enable wheelmouse support by default
; Disable automatic file decompression and compression
(setq auto-compression-mode nil)
To manually toggle automatic compression mode, there is an auto-compression mode item under the Options menu or you can invoke this Emacs command:
M-x auto-compression-mode
Rolling your own
Download ZPL from the distribution page.
Go for the cutting edge release.
To build the compiler, follow these steps:
- Unpack the .tar.gz file using gunzip and using
tar -xf on the resulting .tar file.
- Ensure your environment variables are configured as above except that
ZPLHOME should be the newly created zpl directory
- Change to the new zpl directory and type make all.
- If the build fails, check that the environment variables were set
Check that the install worked by executing these commands:
bin/zc examples/jacobi.z
The expected output is:
Using 1 processors
Using a 1 x 1 processor grid
Jacobi completed in 44 iterations.
Your zpl program has completed running.
OpenBSD 3.5 tips
Thanks to Ian King (isking AT u DOT washington DOT edu)
we have some caveats:
- Do not perform the install as root, there are some compile-time
dependencies that fail on permissions.
- Use the ZPLTARGET=x86-linux option, the x86-freebsd option
appears to be unsupported: some subdirectories required for building are
- The header file include/$ZPLCOMMLAYER/x86-linux/md_zinc.h
#undefs stdin, stdout and stderr, causing the build to fail. Commenting out
the #undefs appears to allow compilation to succeed.
- Only the ZPLCOMMLAYER=seq option has had a successful build.
MPI/LAM seems to be unsupported under Linux with the current release. MPICH
may work but requires modifying the install script (Ian hasn't completed
investigating this).
Windows XP tips (may apply to older versions of Windows)
Thanks to Lars Bergstrom (lars AT lars DOT com)
Windows machines can join the party:
- Expand the .tar.gz file using WinZip or some other program.
- Install Cygwin. You will need the
development node, though Emacs (see the note about auto-compression mode
above) from the editor node might be handy. The development tools are quite
large, so this installation may take some time.
- Create the file c:\cygwin\home\username\.bash_profile
(replace username with your Windows login name) to set up some
Replace c/data/code/parallel/zpl with the full path to where you
expanded the .tar.gz file.
- Open a Cygwin shell. Again using the full path to the expanded
.tar.gz file, type the following commands:
cd /cygdrive/c/data/code/parallel/zpl
mkdir bin
mkdir -p lib/seq/x86-cygwin
make all
You might need the mkdir commands as workarounds.