CSE 589 Applied Algorithms Spring 1999


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Table of Contents

CSE 589 Applied Algorithms Spring 1999

Huffman Coding

Variable Rate Code Example

Huffman Tree for a Prefix Code

Encoding and Decoding

Cost of a Huffman Tree

Example of Cost

Optimal Huffman Tree

Optimality Principle 1

Optimality Principle 2

Optimality Principle 3

Optimality Principle 3 (cont’)

Huffman Tree Algorithm

Example of Huffman Tree Algorithm (1)

Example of Huffman Tree Algorithm (2)

Example of Huffman Tree Algorithm (3)

Example of Huffman Tree Algorithm (4)

Optimal Huffman Code

Huffman Code vs. Entropy

Quality of the Huffman Code

Extending the Alphabet

Including Context

Multiple Codes

Notes on Huffman Codes

Arithmetic Coding

Example of Arithmetic Coding (1)

Example of Arithmetic Coding (2)

Author: Richard E. Ladner

Email: ladner@cs.washington.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/589/CurrentQtr/

Other information:
CSE 589: Applied Algorithms

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