CSE 589 Applied Algorithms Spring 1999


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Table of Contents

CSE 589 Applied Algorithms Spring 1999

Local Search Algorithms

Neighborhood of a Solution

Equivalent Move

Recall Cost

Solution Space

Every Spanning Tree is Reachable from Every Other

Potential of Local Search

Greedy Local Search

Greedy Example (1)

Greedy Example (2)

Analysis of Greedy Local Search

Notes on Greedy Local Search

Local Minimum Problem

Double Moves

N -1 Move Strategy

Avoiding Local Minima

Multiple Move Strategies

Using Randomness to Avoid Local Minima

Simulated Annealing

Heating and Cooling Helps (1)

Heating and Cooling Helps (2)

Heating and Cooling Helps (3)

Heating and Cooling Helps (5)

Heating and Cooling Helps (6)

Heating and Cooling Helps (7)

Heating and Cooling Helps (8)

Heating and Cooling Helps (9)

Annealing Concepts

Metropolis Algorithm

Applied to Load Balanced Spanning Tree

Notes on Simulated Annealing

Randomness and Relaxation

Genetic Algorithms

Author: Richard E. Ladner

Email: ladner@cs.washington.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/589/CurrentQtr/

Other information:
CSE 589: Applied Algorithms

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