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Graph G = (V, E) is a set of vertices V, with set of edges E.
- Directed
- Edges which have a specific direction associated with them so
that each edge can be traversed in one direction only.
- Undirected
- edges
do not have a direction associated so that each edge can be traversed in
each direction.
- Path
- The set of edges and vertices which connect one vertex to another
- Connected
- Two vertices which are connected via a valid path.
- Strongly Connected
- Connected in more than one path, such that no
single vertex or
single path can be remove and make the graph unconnected.
- Degree
- Equals the number of edges going out/in from/to a single vertex.
- Cycle
- A path within a graph which can loop back to an ancestor
- Tree
- A graph which contains no cycles.
Nitin Sharma
Wed Oct 8 17:46:14 PDT 1997