CSE 589 Part IV


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CSE 589 Part IV


Linear Programming

Big Bucks!

And more...

Feasible Set

An example: The diet problem

Visually… x= peanut butter, y = steak

Optimal vector occurs at corner of feasible set!

Optimal vector occurs at corner of feasible set!

General Form of a Linear Program.

The Feasible Set

The Simplex Method

Simplex Algorithm: An Example in 3D

Example of Simplex Method, continued.

Example of Simplex Method, continued.

Example of Simplex Method, continued.

Example of Simplex Method, continued.

The Simplex Method

What were we doing?

The Simplex Algorithm and beyond….

A Central Result of LP Theory Duality Theorem

Primal: Minimize cx subject to Ax >= b, x>= 0Dual: Maximize yb subject to yA <=c, y>=0

An example: The diet problem

Simple Example

More general diet problem


What’s going on?

Duality Theorem

For [x(st), x(pb)] and [y(s-prot), y(s-carbo)] feasible =>

Practical Use of Duality

Formulate as LP

Application: Optimal Pipeline

Summary of Linear Programming

Author:  Anna Karlin

Email: karlin@cs.washington.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/589

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