CSE 589 Part III


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CSE 589 Part III

Dynamic Programming Summary

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Maximum Flow

Max-flow outline:

Properties of Flow: f(v,w) -- flow on edge (v,w)

An augmenting path with respect to a given flow f is a

Using an augmenting path to increase flow

Augmenting Path Theorem: A flow f is maximum iff it admits no augmenting path

=> Celebrated Max-flow Min-Cut Theorem

Residual Graph w.r.t. flow f

Ford-Fulkerson Method (G,s,t)


The shortest path distance from v to t in Rf is non-decreasing.

Shortest paths non-decreasing, cont.

Lemma: between any two consecutive saturations of (v,w), both d(v) and d(w) increase by at least 2.

=> Running time of Edmonds-Karp is O(m2n)

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Fastest max-flow algorithms: preflow-push

Some applications of max-flow and max-flow min-cut theorem

Scheduling on uniform parallel machines

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Bipartite Matching

Network Connectivity

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Other network flow problems: 1. With lower bounds on flow.

Other network flow problems: 2. Minimum flow

Other network flow problems: 3. Min-cost max-flow

Classical application: Transportation Problem

Example: Fiat makes Uno and Ferrari’s.

Disk head scheduling

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Author:  Anna Karlin

Email: karlin@cs.washington.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/589

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