CSE 589 Part II


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CSE 589 Part II


Two basic paradigms

Example DP Problem: Matrix Chain Multiplication

It really does make a difference

Optimal parenthesization

Dynamic Program for Matrix Chain Multiplication

PPT Slide

DP for Matrix Chain Multiplication


Example: Approximate String Matching

Dynamic Program for AST

PPT Slide


To recover actual alignment

PPT Slide

Dynamic Programming Summary

Dynamic Programming Problem Surface Reconstruction

Dynamic Programming Problem Surface Reconstruction

PPT Slide


PPT Slide


Representing graphs for algorithms

PPT Slide

More Definitions: Assume n = |V|, e = |E|

Tree (undirected)

More definitions

Graph Searching

Breadth First Search (BFS)

PPT Slide

BFS Analysis

BFS Analysis

Consequences of BFS

Consequences of BFS

Consequences of BFS

Breadth First Search (BFS)

Spanning Trees

Breadth First Search (BFS)

Depth-First Search uses stack instead of queue

PPT Slide

DFS Analysis

Consequences of DFS

Most important property of DFS on undirected graphs

Consequences of DFS (cont.)

PPT Slide

Using DFS to get topological sort:

Modify DFS to solve topological sort problem

Consequences of DFS (cont.)

Other Applications of DFS

PPT Slide

Single-Source Shortest Paths (Dijkstra’s algorithm)

Idea of Dijkstra’s Algorithm:

Dijkstra’s Algorithm Assumption: c(u,v) = infinity if (u,v) not in E.

PPT Slide

Why is this algorithm correct?

At all times, for all v, Dist(v) is the length of shortest path from s to v that only goes through vertices in V-U

Run Time Analysis

Most priority queue implementations

Running time of Dijkstra’s algorithm:

Minimum Spanning Trees

Kruskal’s MST algorithm


PPT Slide

To implement, use Disjoint Set ADT

Kruskal’s Algorithm with Disjoint Set ADT

Best result

Run-time of Kruskal’s Algorithm

Run-time of Kruskal’s Algorithm

Modeling the Problem

Your turn!!!!




Author:  Anna Karlin

Email: karlin@cs.washington.edu

Home Page: http://www.cs.washington.edu/education/courses/589

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