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Applied Algorithms Anna Karlin, 426C Sieg
CSE 589, Autumn 2000

Homework # 4
Due 4pm, October 27

Reading: see slides


Give a linear program for the optimal pipeline problem discussed in lecture 4 - A D bit data object must be sent through a pipeline of n stages. The time it takes an x bit packet to get through stage i is $o_i+{x \over b_i},$ where oi is the overhead of the i-th stage and bi is the bandwidth of the i-th stage (in bits/sec). Your linear program should determine how the data should be broken up into k pieces, not necessarily of equal size, so as to minimize the time through the pipeline.

We discussed the problem of finding a maximum flow in a graph G=(V,E) with capacities c(v,w) on each edge $(v,w)\in E$. Formulate this problem as a linear programming problem.

Drawing graphs nicely is a problem that arises constantly in applications. Consider the problem of drawing a tree. Some characteristics that would be desirable in the drawing are: How would you formulate the problem of placing the tree nodes in the drawing using linear programming?

(Revised) Let G = (V,E) be a flow network. Show that there is a sequence of at most |E| argmenting paths such that augmenting along these paths in the specified order produces a maximum flow. (Hint: Determine the paths after finding the maximum flow.)

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Ashish Sabharwal