Koil is a scalable tablet that can expand from roughly the size of a smartphone to 2 x 3 meters.

Koil is a scalable tablet that can expand from roughly the size of a smartphone to 2 x 3 meters.
Koil concept and design by:
Ryan Floyd
Chief Writer
Namra Tayyab
Web Geek
Mark McWiggins
We have gone through two revisions of the paper prototype of the Koil Football App, with examples of the latter version presented below.
This is only a subset of the
complete interface. You can
download the complete set of
JPEGs here.
BigSign |
Music |
Football |
The BigSign app was not seriously considered as a contender for investigation as its user interface is much too simple.
The Music application is another matter. There's enough complexity involved in the composition and arrangement of music:
We interviewed two musicians as part of our research, one of whom would have found a Koil music application extremely useful. (He's old enough to use reading glasses and uses 3 different pairs for various tasks, so the ability of Koil to present music in a very large font would have been very much to his liking.)
After a team discussion, though, we chose the Football App as our choice for the remainder of the project.