CSEP 505: Programming Languages
Winter 2015
Course Overview
This course will offer an introduction to programming language semantics through
implementation and formal models. It will emphasize functional programming and
cover the key features of modern functional languages (including type systems
and memory management), along with some ideas from object-oriented and other
programming styles.
Lecture: Thursday, 6:30–9:20 pm, CSE 305 and MSR 99/1915 (distance).
Office Hours: by appointment, CSE 342
Course Staff
Instructor: Greg
Cooper (ghc[at]cs)
Greg received a Ph.D. in computer science from Brown University
in 2008, advised by Shriram Krishnamurthi. In real life he works
as a software engineer at Google.
TA: Eric Reed (ecreed[at]cs)
Course Tools
Discussion Board
Homework 1
Homework 2
Homework 3
Homework 4
Late Policy: Credit for late homework will be discounted by 10%
per day for up to three days after the due date. After that, no credit
will be given, unless arrangements were made in advance to accommodate
an exceptional hardship.
The course will use the Haskell
programming language, which
is freely available for recent
versions of Windows, Mac OS, and Linux. The instructor uses
haskell-mode for Emacs,
but many other options are available for non-Emacs users.
Online Resources
haskell.org - the language's homepage (docs, extensive wiki)
Learn You a Haskell - a free, popular online guide to Haskell
Real World Haskell - a free online book about Haskell focusing on real applications
The Haskell wikibook - very complete (and of course it's free and online)
Approximate Schedule of Lecture Topics
- Course intro. Programming in Haskell. Syntax; parsing; evaluation.
- Variables; substitution; scope and environments. Functions. Evaluation strategies. (slides)
- Mutation. Monads. (slides)
- Untyped lambda calculus. Church encodings. Y-combinator. (slides)
- Continuations. (slides)
- Continuations, part 2; formal semantics (big-step). (slides)
- Small-step operational semantics. Simply-typed lambda calculus. (slides)
- Explicit parametric polymorphism (System F). Unification, Hindley-Milner type inference. Type soundness. (slides)
- Curry-Howard Correspondence. Recursive types. Subtyping. (slides)
- Something fun. (slides)