In this assignment, you'll develop a set data structure in Self.
To make a new, empty set object, one should evaluate setProto clone. A set object should understand at least the following messages:
Define a file named set.self that defines such a set data structure in good Self style. You should inherit existing code where reasonable. You should define methods in terms of other, lower-level methods where possible. In general, avoid code duplication wherever possible.
You can implement your set using the existing list implementation in list.self, or the binary tree implementation from the Self paper, or in any other way you like. You shouldn't need to modify any existing Self code to complete your implementation, but you may if you wish.
You should also add to the end of your set.self code a set of tests illustrating that your set implementation works correctly, printing out the results of various tests. For example, here's a fragment of my testing code:
"some testing code" 'Starting set tests...' printLine. _AddSlots: (| s1. s2. s3. l1. |). s1: setProto clone. "a new, empty set" s1 add: 'hi'. s1 add: 'there'. s1 add: 'hi'. "a duplicate; should be ignored" s1 add: 'bob'. ('s1 = ' + s1 printString) printLine.
and here's the result of loading my set.self sample solution:
% self Welcome to the Self Interpreter! Enter Self statements to be evaluated. Enter control-D (control-Z on Windows) to quit. (Reading stdlib.self.) Self> 'set.self' includeFile Starting set tests... s1 = set{'bob', 'there', 'hi'} s2 = set{9, 5, 2, 3} s3 = set{3, 2, 5, 9} s2 = s3? true s3 = set{5, 2, 9, 3} s2 = s3? true s3 = set{7, 3, 2, 5, 9} s2 isSubsetOf: s3? true s3 isSubsetOf: s2? false s2 = s3? false s2 = set{11, 9, 5, 2, 3} s2 isSubsetOf: s3? false s3 isSubsetOf: s2? false s2 = s3? false s2 mapBy: [|:elem| elem+1] = list{12, 10, 6, 3, 4} Tests completed. Self>
You should define your own test suite that exercises your set implementation and demonstrates that it works correctly.
Consider the following example use of sets:
_AddSlots: (| s1 |). s1: setProto clone. s1 add: 'hi'. s1 add: 3.
Does this work in your implementation? It doesn't work in mine; I get the message "Eval error: not a string". It shouldn't work in yours, either. Why doesn't this work? How could the Self standard library code be changed to make it work? How does Cecil make this kind of change easier?
Turn in your set.self file (plus any other .self files you modified or added) and your answer to these questions, by emailing attachments to If you're tackling the extra credit problem, then clearly indicate this in your turn-in.