MiniML Type Inferencer
Due Monday, October 27, at 6:30pm.
In this assignment, you will build a type inferencer for MiniML. Your
type inferencer should handle the full MiniML language, including recursive
functions, polymorphic functions, nested polymorphic functions, and equality
types, except for the following restrictions:
- We have simplified the language by removing the overloaded <,
<=, >=, and > operators on strings. These operators now only work on
- You need not implement the value restriction. (It's unnecessary in
the absence of refs and exceptions.)
You can
start the assignment from the version of MiniML in
it also is available as a zip file for download. This is the same
interpreter as used in the previous assignment, with the following extensions:
There is no eval.sml file included yet. Until everyone has turned in their
eval.sml file and the sample solution has been publicized, use your own eval.sml
file from homework 1. Once our eval.sml file is available, you can either start
using it, or continue to use your own eval.sml file.
env.sml contains the Environment type and associated
functionality, as before. However, it now also contains a type
TypeEnvironment and associated functionality. Type
environments map variables in the current scope to their types and
will play an analogous role in typechecking that environments play in
evaluation. Both environments are implemented simply as instances of an
underlying ProtoEnvironment type.
- typecheck.sml contains the MiniML typechecker. It is
currently quite incomplete; your job is to finish it. We have
provided some helper functions for typechecking calls to unary and
binary operators, and we've implemented type inference for patterns and function
cases. You need to build on these to implement type inference for
declarations and expressions. The read-eval-print loop has been extended to
perform type inference on all declarations and expressions entered before
evaluating them.
To allow representing polymorphic types, we've added a new case to the Type
datatype in ast.sml: ForallType. This type has a list of type variables
and then a type that can reference those type variables. E.g. the type
'a*'b -> 'b*'a would be represented by ForallType{typevars=["a","b"],
typ=FunctionType{argType=TupleType[TypeVar "a", TypeVar
"b"], resType=TupleType[TypeVar "b", TypeVar
"a"]}}. ForallTypes are introduced internally by the typechecker
to represent the types of polymorphic identifiers.
- We have added a file, unify.sml, that defines a module
named Unify.
Unify supports a bunch of operations to support
unification-based type
inference. Among other things, it allows fresh type variables to be
created (fresh_type_var), it allows two types to be unified (unify), and it
allows taking a type and replacing any type variables in it with the types
(if any) that they've been constrained to be (resolve). It also
supports generating a fresh instantiation of a possibly quantified type (instantiateType),
and it supports taking a list of bindings and introducing explicit
quantifiers for any polymorphic types (generalizeTypeEnv). These tools
are just what you need to implement type inference. Unify does its
work using two additional helper modules:
- Type_Quant, in type_quant.sml, defines some helper functions for
manipulating explicitly quantified types.
- Type_Subst, in type_subst.sml, defines a type TypeSubstitution, which
is a mapping from type variables to types, and associated
You don't need to modify any of these modules, nor even know about Type_Quant
or Type_Subst.
Your job is to provide implementations of the stubbed-out functions in typecheck.sml.
You should
carefully read the unify.sml and typecheck.sml files to understand how the
unification data structures work and how to use them in the typecheck
functions. Of course, feel free to ask questions, the earlier the better.
As with the previous assignment, we have produced executables of our sample
solution for Linux, Solaris, and Windows systems.
How and what to turn in
Turn in your assignment by emailing your typecheck.sml file as an attachment to