CSE584, Assignment #5, 27 May 1997, due 3 June 1997

This assignment covers material for the quality assurance portion of the course.

You may work in pairs, and the assignment is worth 10% of the grade in the course (see introductory handout). I prefer it if you submit your assignment electronically, although it's your call. Ideally, you could send me a URL to a web page with the solutions.

  1. (40 points) There is a necessary balance between "building quality in" and "testing to improve quality." That is, it is impossible to fully build quality in, and it is unreasonable to achieve quality through testing alone.

    Where does your work (or your group's work) fit into this spectrum? Where do you think it should shift to? How do you practically propose to shift it there? No more than one page, total, but thoughtful, please.